After you’re done with the above steps, click on Quit Game if you have your game turned on. Therefore, you will have to close your Minecraft server before you can forward your port. You must stop using the port if you want to forward it properly. Now, in case your Minecraft server is open, close it. The IP address is like an identification mark for your PC. PORTFORWARD FOR MINECRAFT SERVER PC
You can easily find the IP address of your PC at the right of the IPv4 heading. Keep the menu where you found your router’s IP address open.
After you’ve found your router’s IP address, do the same with your computer. Linux users can open a terminal and type “ipr.” Note the last set of digits as it is the IP address of your router. You will find your router’s IP address besides the Router heading. Now, go to Advanced and click on the TCP/IP tab. Click on Network and then click on the left side of your Wi-Fi connection. If you’re on a Mac, launch the Apple menu and click on System Preferences. Find the Wi-Fi heading, and you will see the IP address right next to the Default gateway. From Network & Internet, go to View your network properties. For Windows, go to Start and click on Settings. Based on the operating system of your PC, the method to knowing your router’s IP address is as follows: You can’t access your router’s page without knowing your router’s IP address. Next, find out your router’s IP address. In case you don’t, set up a Minecraft server before proceeding further. Make sure that you have your Minecraft server installed and set up. PORTFORWARD FOR MINECRAFT SERVER HOW TO
So, without further ado, let’s discuss how to port forward a Minecraft server.
Port forwarding a Minecraft server lets outside traffic get access to your PC. If you don’t do so, people from outside your Wi-Fi network won’t be able to join your server. If you play Minecraft and are hosting a server, port forwarding, that server is essential. To set up a multiplayer game in Minecraft, you must have your own server. You can play this game alone or together with your friends. Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world today.